Logo for health tips from Dr. Haas
Elson Haas, MD
written by
Elson Haas, MD

Jun 29, 2015

Article Tags: children's health | obesity | weight loss | 10 tips

Obesity and being overweight are at the core of a tremendous health crisis in the United States today with one-third of Americans being obese and another third overweight. This crisis is particularly acute among children and young adults. In addition to the toll taken on our health and longevity, the financial concerns of this crisis are devastating and are only getting worse. Great minds and programs are working diligently to correct this huge medical issue. As a nutritionally-oriented medical practitioner for 40 years who has struggled with my own weight issues, I offer here my guidelines for weight reduction and health maintenance.

Clearly, behavior change surrounding food choices and exercise are part of any solution. Long-term behavior modification shows promise, yet it takes work and consistency. Obesity and being overweight runs in families so both parents and children must work together to solve their health issues together. Personal and psychological support is shown to help those looking to lose weight and keep it off, which is the biggest challenge.

1.  Set a good example. As parents, your children will tend to follow in your footsteps and ultimately do what you do rather than what you say. Thus, you are the primary example for what your children learn and do. Your conscious decision to practice a healthy lifestyle will benefit your children greatly, as well as your own health.

2.  It is all about Daily Choices. Assess your current diet and calories to see where your higher fat and sugar calories come from. Educate yourself and your children about healthy options that support your health.

3.  Focus on Fresh Foods, especially vegetables and greens. Grow some of your own and frequent your local farmer’s market to buy fresh seasonal produce.

4.  Get your kids involved in the grocery shopping, meal planning, cooking and cleaning the kitchen…don’t forget about them helping wash the dishes too! Have the kids lend a hand in the garden or vegetable boxes so that they can experience the magic of nature and the taste of really fresh food. Make a healthy lifestyle FUN!

5.  Educate yourself about a balanced diet, along with reading food labels and learning about calories, fats and sugar. Share what you learn with your children.

6.  Plan your daily meals and menu ideas for the week. When we create the choices ahead, we are less likely to snack and go astray from our plan. Include all family and household members in this process.

7.  Eat simply, slowly and do not overeat. Most importantly, CHEW WELL! When we take time to eat – relaxing and breathing between bites – we will tend to eat less and enjoy what we eat more, and still feel satisfied. Simply means not too many foods at a time.

8.  Eat in the light and not so much at night. This has been my biggest challenge. When we eat less at night, we digest better, we often sleep better and we tend to accumulate less fat. We then typically take in less calories and are more able to maintain our weight. Waking up hungry and ready for a good breakfast helps our entire day.

9.  Embrace the emotional issues about food, cravings and habits. The help of a therapist or nutritionist may illicit behaviors and challenges that need to be addressed. Behavior modification and personal support are both found to offer solutions to weight issues.

10.  Exercise and physical activity are essential to weight management and long-term health. As with any diet plan, an exercise program is equally important. Balancing strength training, aerobic activity and stretching is the ideal fitness plan for most of us…and you know the best exercise, right? It’s the one that you will actually do!

NOTE: See also  “Eating Healthy at School and Work” 

© 2018 by Elson Haas, MD