I am very happy to introduce a new series called NEW Medicine Solutions where I offer practical approaches to the prevention and treatment of many common health conditions based on my 50 years of medical practice.
I have lived near the town of Sebastopol in N. California for over 25 years so it was nice to be featured on the cover of Sebastopol Living in May with a nice article entitled The People's Doctor. I will also be offering my Integrative Health services in town through the Sonoma County Health Academy. Read on to learn more
I was recently interviewed by Sharon Sayler of OMTimes Radio. It was a wide ranging discussion of integrative health and healing which I hope you'll enjoy.
For many years I have used Detox programs for myself and my patients with very positive health outcomes. Join me to learn more.
I hope you’ll join me for the Winter of Wellness Summit starting on Jan. 14th. I’ll be one of 30+ leading doctors, teachers, healers, coaches, and practitioners who will show you how to SUPERCHARGE your life and revitalize your wellbeing on every level.
Check out a new blog page that summarizes all recent articles and posts that mention or include me and my healing work. It is updated regularly and you can also read each article directly from the blog.
Recently I celebrated the 35 year anniversary of my clinic - The Preventive Medical Center of Marin. It was a fun evening with with my fellow healing practitioners and staff.
Check out my recent podcast interview with Dr. Brett Hill and George Bryant, two of Australia's leading wellness experts, also known as the Paleo Guys.
My condolences for all who have been affected by the current wildfires. Last year I put together these suggestions for protecting your health from the adverse effects of thick smoke in the air. Unfortunately we're seeing a similar situation this Fall, so I am sharing them again.
The transition from Summer to Autumn is an ideal time to consider detoxing. Dr. Haas has been leading 2-3 week seasonal detox programs at his clinic for 40 years and he is now offering this opportunity online. Read on the learn more.
Join me, Robert Rudelic and Karen Reynolds at this evening event on September 19th in San Rafel - hosted by Integral Transformative Practice International.
AIHM stands for The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine and I will be a guest speaker at the meeting of the SF chapter on Thursday, October 18th, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Soluna Health in Sausalito, CA.
Join me for unique day of exploration with two friends and colleagues - John Gray, bestselling author of the Mars-Venus series and master yoga teacher, Sherri Baptiste.
Preventive Medical Center of Marin was voted best holistic clinic by the readers of Pacific Sun for the second year in a row
I recently came back from a 10 day trip to these two adjacent Caribbean countries, which I had never visited before. This wasn't really a vacation because the purpose of the trip was to visit orphanages and schools supported for many years by my partner's family. It was an inspiring and informative journey.
I am excited to be participating in the Sports, Energy and Consciousness Festival on July 13th thru 15th
I am happy to begin contributing monthly articles to New York Spirit talking about integrative medicine and a seasonal approach to health.
I am very happy to share with you the news that The Preventive Medical Center of Marin (PMCM) was recently voted Best Holistic Clinic in Marin in the annual poll by The Pacific Sun newspaper
Recently I went to join my son Orion in Ghana where he is working with a non profit to help the local inhabitants in the areas of medicine, water, agriculture and micro-finance. Here's my journal of the time I spent offering medical treatment and education to the communities he was serving.