Seasonal health
Dr. Elson Haas
written by
Dr. Elson Haas

Nov 23, 2024

Article Tags: integrative medicine clinic | seasonal health | immunity | prevention | education

Doctor Elson’s Cold and Flu Buster

T’is the season – unfortunately for Colds and the Flu as well as the Holidays!

If you feel that you’re starting to get a cold or the flu, it is best to jump on it immediately. Here are some tips for what you can do based on what I do myself:

Vitamin C – I start with hourly vitamin C of 500-1000 mg.

Vitamin A – I take increased doses of vitamin A (not beta-carotene):

  • 25,000-30,000 IUs 3-4 times daily for just 3-4 days
  • Then lower that dosage to 10-25,000 IUs twice daily for about a week.

Then take a break since excess vitamin A can be toxic if taken too long in these higher amounts. Although when we are fighting off infections, it doesn’t seem to be problematic and these higher amounts help us fight off germs at our mucous membranes.

 Garlic – I also use fresh garlic, taking several cloves at a time, dipping them in honey and chewing them. I may repeat this several times for the first day; alternatively, you can press a few cloves into a hot bowl of soup. Garlic is a spicy and aromatic natural antibiotic and immune defender; you could also use the odorless garlic caps, several capsules 3 times daily, if you do not want the smell, but they are not quite as effective.

 Echinacea and Goldenseal – an extract (in alcohol) can also be used to support immunity and cleanse the membranes; even the alcohol in them is a disinfectant.

 Olive leaf, Oregano Oil or Elderberry extracts – these herbs have some anti-viral properties and can provide some support as well.

 Zinc – is an immune supporter and can help with sore throats. A variety of zinc lozenges are available in the stores.

 For chest congestion, drink ginger root tea (simmer a few slices of root in a cup or two of water). Also, use some of the hot ginger tea to make a compress and place the soaked cloth over your upper chest. This is warming (which tends to stimulate blood circulation) and helps break up congestion. There are both natural and over-the-counter medicines for colds and coughs.

 Hydration – of course, drink lots of water, herbal teas, and hot soup.

 Rest – and remember that extra rest helps in healing. Often, we get sick when we are out of balance or overdoing it, so a cold can give us the opportunity to rest and sleep more.

As always, Stay Healthy!

Dr. Elson