pictures showing how to sprout seeds
Dr. Elson Haas
written by
Dr. Elson Haas

Sep 30, 2020

Article Tags: Diet | Nutrition | seasonal health | education

Sprouting—Your Kitchen Mini Garden

Growing sprouts of all kinds indoors is a great way to add fresh chlorophyll plus protein, vitamins and minerals to your diet and supplement fresh, leafy green veggies in your garden or at the farmers’ markets.

Almost any seed or bean will sprout, but I like to grow alfalfa and sunflower seeds, as well as spicy radish seeds, green peas, lentils, garbanzo, mung, and red adzuki beans. Put a handful of them in a jar and see them grow. When they become green with chlorophyll many vitamins are added and the protein ratio decreases. Refrigerate them in a covered container and use in salads, soups, or sandwiches. You can also sprout red wheat to grow wheatgrass.

Below is a link to a fun and quite detailed educational sprouting module my friend and colleague Sondra Barrett PhD put together. Those of you who were part of my Immune Protection class in March and April will remember Sondra as my co-presenter. Check out her website for lots of interesting and helpful health insights

Thanks Sondra


Dr. Elson