photo of man asleep on a bed in the clouds
Dr. Elson Haas
written by
Dr. Elson Haas

Mar 13, 2019

Article Tags: 10 tips | Elson Haas MD events | health education | Healing Sleep | 5 Keys | lifestyle

Hi there
Perhaps you heard through my eNews or Social Media about my recent free online class called HEALING SLEEP? It was last Saturday and I’m happy to let you know that the recording is now available. So, if you didn’t hear about it, or were unable to join me live then you might want to check it out HERE.

Sleep is one of the least appreciated health assets. After all we spend about one third of our lives asleep and each new scientific study seems only to add evidence about the crucial contribution those night time hours make to our overall physical, emotional, mental health.

I hope you find the class interesting and useful. I have also created my 10 Tips for Healing Sleep which you can find HERE.

Sleep is also one of my 5 Keys to Staying Healthy along with Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management, and Attitude. If you want to explore what lifestyle changes you might want to make for better Zzzz’s check out my FREE online course on the 5 KEYS.

Sleep Well to Stay Healthy!

Dr. Elson