“Lifestyle first, natural therapies next, drugs last.”

One of my healing maxims. — Elson

5 Keys images

Your Free Lifestyle Review

If we want to improve our health we can review our daily habits and choices in 5 key areas:
  • NUTRITION - Natural Foods in a Balanced Diet
  • EXERCISE - Regular Activity in a Balanced Program
  • STRESS - Stress Management - Rest & Relaxation
  • SLEEP - Quality Rest and Proper Rhythms
  • ATTITUDE - Mind-Body Balance affects everything else

Use This Free Self-Guided Course

Use this course, based on my book Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine, to decide where where to make changes and then MAKE A PLAN.

Our health is much more in our own hands than we realize and our lifestyle is where this proactive approach begins...

cover of NEW Medicine book

This course is available FREE for a limited time.

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