Close up photo of someone walking outdoors
Dr. Elson Haas
written by
Dr. Elson Haas

Oct 28, 2024

Article Tags: healthy aging | exercise | health education

Healthy Walking and Avoiding Falls

Here we are in Autumn and we don’t want to fall like the leaves.

I have been trained in healthy foot work and walking – lifting the feet and rolling through the foot, heel to toe – and demonstrate this to many patients, especially my elder grou. I have been diligent about this for years, or at least I thought so. It only takes a second if disconnection or inattentiveness.

Being careful and being present of our ambulation and hiking is crucial – so as to not fall. When any of us take a tumble, especially if we’re older and more fragile, or have levels of osteoporosis (bone loss), it changes our life and often causes limitation, or the need for crutches, a walker or even a wheelchair. It could also mean hospitalization or surgery.

I have been almost 100% present when I am walking around my house and the property outside, but still I have had two recent mishaps that altered my life. The first was in the Spring of 2023 after doing digging with my right arm for new plants and probably stressing my shoulder. When I was walking onto my back porch, the tip of my right shoe hit the top step and I lunged forward stopping myself with an outstretched arm on my barbecue grill and I felt my shoulder pop painfully. I was certain I tore something, and had limited function. An x-ray and then an MRI showed the muscle tears. I declined surgery as an option as the recovery was too long and limited so I stretched, did some physical therapy as well as helpful Pilates — and it took a year plus, but my function returned probably 90% or more and could do my natural swimming stroke again.  This made me even more strongly aware to lift up my feet and not swing them when I walk.

Last week, I was on a short family trip in Mexico, walking and hiking even sometimes in the woods at night after sunset/moonrise at Punta Cometa (Comet Point), and had to be fully attentive. The, a few days later at a farmer’s market in Huatulco and a bit tired from a poor night’s sleep, the toe of my sandal hit a quarter inch high ridge of cement on the cobblestone steps and I went down in a micro-second; it was an otherworldly experience and I’ve never fallen like that. I landed mostly on my left elbow and I have my first fracture in 77 years of being a very active, sports-minded guy.

I feel so blessed in this life and was supported with no bone breaks or surgeries other than routine tonsils at 5 years old. Yet now, my break appears bad enough that surgery is likely needed, and this alters my life and many functions. We humans are amazing, especially when all our body parts are working.

Some Keys to Safe Walking and Movement:

  1. Lift your feet and place them down, heel first. Don’t swing with your toes leading you.
  2. When outdoors especially, exaggerate like you are walking in a marching band until you get used to that.
  3. This helps with uneven ground, curbs and sidewalks, tree roots and even walking at night.
  4. Carry a little light with you to help you see.
  5. Be careful with your medications and get proper rest. Certain drugs can alter our energy, awareness and equilibrium; these include sleeping pills, allergy medicines and alcohol.
  6. Be aware of your energy and mental state when walking; it only takes a second of not being attentive to your surroundings to have an accident.
  7. Watch out for carpets, cords, pets, and throw rugs.
  8. Make sure your footwear is stable and not too rigid as that can send you down with catching a toe or falling off a heel.
  9. Of course, enjoy the outdoors and Nature’s beauty.