Article Tags: lifestyle | exercise | integrative medicine clinic | seasonal health
Exercise is an important key for good health all year round, but especially relevant during summertime when we can be more active. This is the season to play outdoors! Get out there and lighten up!
- Find balance in your program. The different parts of your exercise program include: weight work for strength; cardio exercise for endurance, and stretching for flexibility—this all leads to feeling good, and being fit and relaxed.
- Plan to do 7-10 hours a week for your whole exercise program. Commit to an hour to 90-minute workouts 5-7 days a week. And stay active in your daily life. Hike, garden and clean house.
- Have indoor and outdoor activities so you can keep up your workouts no matter what the weather. Just as with your eating plan, adjust your activities with the seasons. Is it the gym, home or outside activities that you enjoy most?
- Use weights for muscle strength, and it also supports bone and brain health. Yoga can also build and tone muscles. Be educated about proper use of weights, and initially have a trainer guide you in a balanced and appropriate set of exercises for you.
- Do 30-60 minutes of cardio activity several times a week for endurance. This helps our circulation and allows sweat and detox to keep the body healthy.
- Walking is a great way to exercise, relax and see your local world as well as explore the many beautiful places on planet Earth. If walking is your main exercise, also do some upper body weights or toning with various exercises.
- There are two keys times in life when it is especially important to exercise and get your body fit. The first time is during adolescence when we develop our body that often continues for life. Then, in menopause for women and general aging for men, when it’s much easier to gain weight and get out of shape.
- Injuries can occur and limit your entire exercising, so use caution and wisdom with your activities. Injuries can occur more often and easily when we have one primary exercise we do, like running, or tennis, or golf as common examples, the latter two being what I call “one-sided sports” that can stress the shoulders, knees or low back. That’s why a variety of activities is safer for not stressing one area of the body.
- Regular exercise is the best stress reducer and an essential treatment for anyone with depression. Studies suggest regular exercise works as well as or better than drugs. It also creates endorphins; the “feel-good” brain chemicals. So, to stay young and healthy and positive about life, exercise regularly using the tips included here.
- And remember – the best exercise program is the one you’ll actually do, so make sure you’re realistic in your planning! Don’t be too ambitious, especially if you’re adding something new – start slowly and build on each small success.