Tag: detox

The Purification Process

Personally, I have been doing various detoxification and cleansing programs for over 40 years and it is a healing approach I offer to many of my patients with very positive results over many years. This article is an overview of my thoughts on this important topic.

The Sugar Season

The last quarter of the year is full of celebrations, beginning with Halloween through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. That's why I call it The Sugar Season. We need to be wise about our sugar use over the coming months.

Spring Cleansing

Fasting and juice cleansing can be terrific sources of vitality and a great healing tool that removes congestion and toxins, and helps you feel more youthful. Try it with me this Spring!

On the Cover of Woman’s World

I have been featured in Woman's World several times over the years so I am happy to be contributing to the publication again. The issue dated August 26th featured me on the cover with a two page article inside about detox focussed on liver cleansing.

OMTimes Cover

Check out this issue of OMTimes which features me on the cover and an extensive article on my work.

Winter Detox Online

It's still not too late to sign up for Winter Detox 2021. January is an excellent time to reset your body after the Holidays. Please join me for this 2 week healing journey.

Detox Global Summit begins January 28

For many years I have used Detox programs for myself and my patients with very positive health outcomes. Join me to learn more.

What is the Stimulation Sedation Syndrome?

Stimulation Sedation Syndrome: It's a term I have coined to describe the way many people live in our modern society—using stimulating and sedating substances to manage their moods and energy—often resulting in chronic fatigue and exhaustion.

Autumn Detox Online

The transition from Summer to Autumn is an ideal time to consider detoxing. Dr. Haas has been leading 2-3 week seasonal detox programs at his clinic for 40 years and he is now offering this opportunity online. Read on the learn more.

What is an Elimination Diet?

Learn more about the difference between regular detox cleansing programs and an elimination diet which helps you identify potential food sensitivities and reactions - based on Elson's book "The False Fat Diet."

10 Tips on Wise Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is a big part of the way our society relaxes and celebrates, but if consumed unwisely it can have negative health consequences from simple ones like disturbed sleep patterns to more serious conditions.

A Great Time for Summer Detox

By August, there’s typically a bounty of fruits and vegetables in gardens and at local markets. That bounty includes virtually all of Mother Nature’s best aids in detoxing our bodies and infusing our systems with nutrients to achieve optimal health and an optimal weight

Toxins – too close for comfort

I believe that one of the main causes of dis-ease is cellular dysfunction caused primarily by a deficiency of needed nutrients and toxicity. Personal care products are one of the most common yet overlooked sources of environmental toxicity.

Detoxification and the Detox Diet

In several of my books I have referred to detoxification as the missing link in western nutrition. I have come to this conclusion through my own personal detox experiences and working with thousands of patients in my clinic.

10 Tips for Healthy Detox

Detoxification has been a core healing principle and practice for me since I did my first cleanse in 1975. I believe it is the missing link in modern healthcare and nutritional medicine, and my book The Detox Diet tells you everything you need to know to get started.

Health Tips For Autumn Newsletter

Staying Healthy Autumn 2016 As many of you probably know, my first book Staying Healthy with the Seasons, which was initially published in 1981 (updated in 2004), presented an integration of ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathic Concepts and Seasonal Cycles, with today’s Western Medical approach. For the last 35 years I have continued to emphasize […]

10 Tips for a Healthy Spring

In this inspiring Spring season, embrace yourself honestly as you look at all of your habits and areas of your own life. These 10 Tips will help you to change those habits and renew

10 Tips for Staying Healthy in Autumn

This is Harvest time and the fortification of our foods and diet are an important focus now as the climate shifts towards the cooler season


January 21 2016, Thursday: Intro, Overview, & Plan (Prepare to begin DETOX/CLEANSE program on January 22-23th) February 2 Tuesday: 10-Day Review & Plan for Transition February 11 Thursday: Progress Update and Review 6:30 to 8 PM (Please arrive early for the First Meeting) 6:30 to 7:30 PM (for all follow-up Meetings) Join Dr. Elson Haas […]

The Detox Diet

Aims to provide help for individuals who want to improve their own health and lower their reliance on medications. With fifty delicious and satisfying recipes, a variety of fasting and juice-cleansing options, and more, "The Detox Diet" provides a complete guide to this important healing practice. [button button="Show me more" url="/products/"]