Tag: digestion

Acid Alkaline Balance

Each food when metabolized in the body breaks down into acid or alkaline elements. The body is normally slightly alkaline, the blood pH being 7.41. A diet that consists of 70-80% alkaline forming foods will keep eliminative and nervous systems strong. Use my simple guide to review your food choices from an acid-alkaline perspective.

What is an Elimination Diet?

Learn more about the difference between regular detox cleansing programs and an elimination diet which helps you identify potential food sensitivities and reactions - based on Elson's book "The False Fat Diet."

Gas and Bloating: Causes and Remedies

Advice from Dr. Elson Haas about the causes of and remedies for gas and bloating, amongst the most common intestinal symptoms and dysfunctions.

Indigestion and Heartburn: Causes and Remedies

Causes & Remedies for Common Digestive Problems - Part 2: Indigestion, Nausea and Heartburn Part of a brief three-part overview of how to deal with some common intestinal symptoms. Offers some simple home remedies that may help to correct these common digestive problems.

Constipation & Diarrhea: Causes and Remedies

This is the concluding part of my three part introduction to treating common digestive problems. Here I discuss Constipation and Diarrhea which most of us have likely experienced at one time or another, with the resulting discomfort.

10 Tips For Good Digestion

Nutrition may be the key to health, but its not just what we eat, but what we assimilate that's key so a healthy digestion is central to our wellbeing and vitality. Follow these 10 tips from Dr. Elson Haas, author of Staying Healthy with Nutrition.