Tag: integrative medicine

What is the Doyo?

The Doyo is a unique part of the annual cycle within Traditional Chinese Medicine. Learn more about how we can align with the energy of the changings easons as the start of summer approaches on June 20th

Summer Light

Ideas about integrating Eastern and Western medicine for optimal health from the book Staying Healthy with the Seasons by Elosn Haas MD.

Introducing NEW Medicine Solutions

I am very happy to introduce a new series called NEW Medicine Solutions where I offer practical approaches to the prevention and treatment of many common health conditions based on my 50 years of medical practice.

The Purification Process

Personally, I have been doing various detoxification and cleansing programs for over 40 years and it is a healing approach I offer to many of my patients with very positive results over many years. This article is an overview of my thoughts on this important topic.

Healthy Aging for Men

What I see in many of my male patients over 40-50 years old, is they may be experiencing low energy in various forms. Learn what can be done to treat these symptoms using Integrative Medicine.

10 Tips to Honor Earth Day

April 22nd is Earth Day and we focus on what we can do to foster the health of our planet.

Working with the Moon

Most of us in the modern use a solar calendar, but attuning to the phases of the moon can be powerful creative process.

The Importance of Centering

It is vital for our overall health to find ways to settle and balance ourselves in the midst of sometimes chaotic circumstances. Centering is a key part of my own daily health program.

Energy Medicine

Healing is a journey on all levels of our being, not just the physical, but also emotional, mental and spiritual. The common theme is ENERGY and energy flow; inner and outer; visible and invisible; the microcosm and the macrocosm. As we understand more about our connectedness and our uniqueness, we can learn to manifest our optimal health and deepest potential.

Staying Healthy as the Seasons Change

Being attentive to the cycles of our planet’s seasons and how they affect our life and health is really one of the simple yet key concepts in my integrative medicine philosophy and practice. Maintaining balance during the Summer to Autumn transition can be challenging.

Evolutionary Healing Class – recording available

This is the second free introduction to my Evolutionary Healing Course - where I will teach about the more subtle and meta-physical aspects of health and healing. Recording now available.

The Glycemic Index and Sugar in our Diet

The use, overuse and abuse of sugar in the typical American lifestyle are increasingly known to be significant factors in creating poor health and chronic disease, especially among young people. The Glycemic Index is a useful tool in managing sugar in our diet.

Rethinking Patriotism for Planet Earth

With the July 4th holiday, our thoughts turn to what it means to be a citizen of the U.S.A. and I have been thinking about a broader meaning for patriotism than loyalty or devotion to a single country.

Staying Healthy in Troubled Times Video

The video of my free class in June, called Staying Healthy in Troubled Times, is now up on Youtube.

On the Cover of Woman’s World

I have been featured in Woman's World several times over the years so I am happy to be contributing to the publication again. The issue dated August 26th featured me on the cover with a two page article inside about detox focussed on liver cleansing.

How to Regain Your Natural Energy

If you want to Regain Your Natural Energy then first address Stimulation Sedation Syndrome: it's a term I have coined to describe the way many people live in our modern society—using stimulating and sedating substances to manage their moods and energy—often resulting in chronic fatigue and exhaustion.

OMTimes Cover

Check out this issue of OMTimes which features me on the cover and an extensive article on my work.

Sebastopol Living Magazine article

I have lived near the town of Sebastopol in N. California for over 25 years so it was nice to be featured on the cover of Sebastopol Living in May with a nice article entitled The People's Doctor. I will also be offering my Integrative Health services in town through the Sonoma County Health Academy. Read on to learn more

Join Me for the Winter Wellness Summit

I hope you’ll join me for the Winter of Wellness Summit starting on Jan. 14th. I’ll be one of 30+ leading doctors, teachers, healers, coaches, and practitioners who will show you how to SUPERCHARGE your life and revitalize your wellbeing on every level.

Recent Press & Influencer mentions

Check out a new blog page that summarizes all recent articles and posts that mention or include me and my healing work. It is updated regularly and you can also read each article directly from the blog.

What is the Stimulation Sedation Syndrome?

Stimulation Sedation Syndrome: It's a term I have coined to describe the way many people live in our modern society—using stimulating and sedating substances to manage their moods and energy—often resulting in chronic fatigue and exhaustion.

Check out this recent podcast

Check out my recent podcast interview with Dr. Brett Hill and George Bryant, two of Australia's leading wellness experts, also known as the Paleo Guys.

Integral Health & Fitness event – Sept 19

Join me, Robert Rudelic and Karen Reynolds at this evening event on September 19th in San Rafel - hosted by Integral Transformative Practice International.

Presentation at A.I.H.M. on October 18th

AIHM stands for The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine and I will be a guest speaker at the meeting of the SF chapter on Thursday, October 18th, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Soluna Health in Sausalito, CA.

Integrity, Healing and Peace

Let’s continue our exploration of this philosophy of politics, war and peace and how it permeates many parts of our life where an “attack and conquer” mentality often prevails, and this includes our relationships with others and most importantly with our one and only self.

What is NEW Medicine?

NEW Medicine is a unique combination of Natural, Eastern and Western approaches to optimal health developed and refined over the last 40 years by pioneering integrative physician Elson Haas MD.

The “W” of NEW – Western Medicine

This is the form of medicine that we are familiar with in the US and most modern societies. It has brought unprecedented benefits in diagnosis and treatment for many diseases that have plagued humankind for centuries. Yet, like many other scientific advances, it has its limts and its dangers.

5 Keys and 5 Elements

My studies of the 5 Elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine inspired me to create The 5 Keys to Staying Healthy - a simple, practical way for you to begin actually improving your health day by day rather than just waiting to get sick before you act.

Staying Healthy with New Medicine

Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine presents the integration of Natural, Eastern, and Western medicines that offers a clearer insight into many crucial factors affecting health and healing than any one system does alone. Moving people into the positive aspects of the ‘Disease-Health Continuum’ with better energy, vitality and creativity, helping to create positive actions for our planet and for human beings in general. The chapter called “Understanding Causes” is especially important for those interested in improving their wellbeing and experiencing ‘Healthy Aging’. And The 5 Keys to Staying Healthy are developed more deeply in Chapter 3. [button button="Show me more" url="/products/"]

ELSON HAAS MD releases his latest book, “STAYING HEALTHY with NEW MEDICINE.”

Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine is the latest book from Elson Haas MD. It completes the Staying Healthy Trilogy that began 30 years ago with Staying Healthy with the Seasons and Staying Healthy with Nutrition. This book sums up what Elson has learned over his 40 year career as a pioneer of integrative medicine.