Tag: NEW Medicine

Introducing NEW Medicine Solutions

I am very happy to introduce a new series called NEW Medicine Solutions where I offer practical approaches to the prevention and treatment of many common health conditions based on my 50 years of medical practice.

OMTimes Cover

Check out this issue of OMTimes which features me on the cover and an extensive article on my work.

What is NEW Medicine?

NEW Medicine is a unique combination of Natural, Eastern and Western approaches to optimal health developed and refined over the last 40 years by pioneering integrative physician Elson Haas MD.

The “W” of NEW – Western Medicine

This is the form of medicine that we are familiar with in the US and most modern societies. It has brought unprecedented benefits in diagnosis and treatment for many diseases that have plagued humankind for centuries. Yet, like many other scientific advances, it has its limts and its dangers.

Staying Healthy with New Medicine

Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine presents the integration of Natural, Eastern, and Western medicines that offers a clearer insight into many crucial factors affecting health and healing than any one system does alone. Moving people into the positive aspects of the ‘Disease-Health Continuum’ with better energy, vitality and creativity, helping to create positive actions for our planet and for human beings in general. The chapter called “Understanding Causes” is especially important for those interested in improving their wellbeing and experiencing ‘Healthy Aging’. And The 5 Keys to Staying Healthy are developed more deeply in Chapter 3. [button button="Show me more" url="/products/"]

ELSON HAAS MD releases his latest book, “STAYING HEALTHY with NEW MEDICINE.”

Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine is the latest book from Elson Haas MD. It completes the Staying Healthy Trilogy that began 30 years ago with Staying Healthy with the Seasons and Staying Healthy with Nutrition. This book sums up what Elson has learned over his 40 year career as a pioneer of integrative medicine.