Tag: prevention

Summer Light

Ideas about integrating Eastern and Western medicine for optimal health from the book Staying Healthy with the Seasons by Elosn Haas MD.

Introducing NEW Medicine Solutions

I am very happy to introduce a new series called NEW Medicine Solutions where I offer practical approaches to the prevention and treatment of many common health conditions based on my 50 years of medical practice.

Allergies: An Integrated Approach

Allergies are a common, often disruptive and uncomfortable experience for many of us. How can we approach them from an integrative medicine point of view? Join Dr. Haas and find out!

10 Tips for Enhanced Immunity

With continuing concern over COVID-19, I have put together these 10 Tips for immune support and preventing viral infections. I hope you find them helpful. I have also put together posts offering stress reduction tips and other resources for these challenging times.

The Glycemic Index and Sugar in our Diet

The use, overuse and abuse of sugar in the typical American lifestyle are increasingly known to be significant factors in creating poor health and chronic disease, especially among young people. The Glycemic Index is a useful tool in managing sugar in our diet.

The Flu and What You Can Do

I talk a lot about seasonal health, but what about seasonal disease? We are now in the midst of the flu season in the US and there are real concerns over the combination of Covid-19 and the regular flu virus. Here are some thoughts about what we can do to protect ourselves.

Food Combining

Given the basic American eating habits, proper food combining may appear to be a fanatic indulgence contrary to the popular concept of a “balanced meal.” Don't be fooled. This is a valuable way to think about what you eat and when.

Staying Healthy in Troubled Times Video

The video of my free class in June, called Staying Healthy in Troubled Times, is now up on Youtube.

10 Tips for Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Mother Nature is beautiful and bountiful, but occasionally she expresses herself through extremes in all the elements, whether it be fire, earthquake, damaging wind, or flood. It is wise to be prepared.

Winter Detox Online

It's still not too late to sign up for Winter Detox 2021. January is an excellent time to reset your body after the Holidays. Please join me for this 2 week healing journey.

Sebastopol Living Magazine article

I have lived near the town of Sebastopol in N. California for over 25 years so it was nice to be featured on the cover of Sebastopol Living in May with a nice article entitled The People's Doctor. I will also be offering my Integrative Health services in town through the Sonoma County Health Academy. Read on to learn more

A First Step to Better Sleep

Sleep is one of my 5 Keys to Staying Healthy, but we often don’t appreciate how important it is to our wellbeing until we’re not sleeping well. Here are some initial steps for sleep improvement.

My Voiceamerica Interview

Listen to Dr. Haas on The Wellness Connection with Peter McCarthy and Rhadia Gleis - Thursday, February 21st 2019 at 12 Noon Pacific.

Detox Global Summit begins January 28

For many years I have used Detox programs for myself and my patients with very positive health outcomes. Join me to learn more.

Integrity, Healing and Peace

Let’s continue our exploration of this philosophy of politics, war and peace and how it permeates many parts of our life where an “attack and conquer” mentality often prevails, and this includes our relationships with others and most importantly with our one and only self.

Male Aging, Hormone Support, & Prostate Health

For most men, whether we can ultimately alter our longevity is not as important as enhancing our health and vitality as we age. It’s the quality and vitality of life that matters, not merely the quantity.

An Integrated Approach to Depression

Depression is much more common than we realize, especially in its mild to moderate forms. Pharmaceutical drugs are the preferred treatment nowadays, but there are many integrative medicine approaches that can help.

Bladder Health for Women

Dr. Haas draws on 40 years of practice and the experience of his clinic’s nurse practitioner, Judy Lane, to present the causes, treatment and prevention of this widespread and potentially painful condition.

10 Tips for Preventing Cancer

Cancer is one of the greatest fears of modern societies, but many cancers are largely preventable with lifestyle changes identified in the tips